Everol Girl Application

Everol Girl Application

become an everol girl

Win $500, $300, $100 or other monthly prizes

Just fill out the application below and submit a few pictures. Some candidates just want their beautiful photos posted on our website and other ladies want to make appearances at fishing tournaments and even want a shot a magazine and TV exposure. A strong preference is given to women who really love fishing.

    Privacy Statement Your personal information will not be publicly released or sold. Everol Girls are only referred to by their First Name and Last Initial for photographic display, print advertisements, television and video.

    Use of Images Contributors voluntarily sending photographic and video material to Everol, affirm they have the full legal right to provide and disseminate such material and that such material may be used freely by Everol and its affiliates without any expectation of compensation. Submission of photographs does not guarantee that material will be used.

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