Reel Repair

Reel Repair

Reel repair can be done at the Everol Repair Depot in New York or by your local tackle store. We recommend you contact us before taking older reels to a local repair facility so we can determine whether or not there is parts availability for reels that are 20 to 50+ years old.

If your Everol reel needs repair, send us an email with the:

  1. Age of the Reel
  2. Model
  3. Size
  4. Problem
  5. Location & Date of Purchase
  6. Pictures of the reel


Everol Service Fees

Customer pays for:

  • Shipping to Everol
  • $75 per hour for labor
  • Repair Parts (if required)
  • Return shipping

Do not send reels before contacting us first.

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