Q. What is the best way to clean the reels? I notice that they have those drainage holes on the gears…. are we supposed to spray water up in there?

Ans. Cleaning after use We recommend
1) thoroughly rinsing with fresh water,
2) washing with soap mixture and a soft brush,
3) rinsing thoroughly, and
4) storing with the drag off (in free spool). Water should not be shot into the drain holes as this can displace lubricant grease.

Saltwater Submerson Submerging the reel for cleaning is not recommended. If the reel is accidentally submerged in saltwater, the reel should be submerged in fresh water for 3 minutes, allow to drain for 1 minutes, submerge in mild soapy water for 3 minutes, under water cycle the drag lever from free spool to 80% drag 10 times, allow to drain for 1 minutes, submerge in fresh water for 3 minutes, under water cycle the drag lever from free spool to 80% drag 10 times, allow to dry with the drag lever set in free spool, and immediately take to a tackle store for professional disassembly, cleaning and re-lubrication.

Q. My drag feels a little sticky. What do I do?

Ans.Do not store any reel with drag applied as this can cause some ‘memory’ which can often be fixed by placing the reel in the sun on a warm day with the drag fully released. When storing the reels you can place a piece of sponge or some other stopper between the spool and the frame so line does not inadvertently come off the spool. Women’s triangular make-up sponges work great.

Q. Do new parts cross-over and work on old reels?

Ans. The basic design of the Everol Specials series has not changed over the years. So some current parts will fit reels that are 30 to 50+ years old. However, there have been some design changes from a multi-piece frame to a single piece frame, the drag material is now Carbon fiber and the handle design has been improved. So though some parts might look identical, the thicknesses and dimensions have changed which means that many parts will not fit older reels. It is recommended that you contact the overall service departments with your specific issue to see whether or not parts will crossover.

Q.Can older reels be retrofitted to the new carbon fiber drag system?

Ans4. Yes, it is possible. However, because internal changes in thicknesses and dimensions it requires a customized shimming and machining of parts. So it is possible, but it is not always economically feasible. If you want this done, contact us for a quote which typically runs from $250 to $400 per reel.

Q.My anodizing is scratched, what do I do?

Ans4. The raw aluminum will eventually oxidize when exposed to air and saltwater. You can try applying a clear coat to the area to protect it from exposure. Check it regularly as the clear coat may not adhere well and it may need to be reapplied periodically.

Q.How long does it take to get special order parts and reels from Italy?

Ans4. Typical delivery times are 4-6 weeks. Sometimes this is as short as 1 week or as long as 8 weeks, depending on U.S. Customs and degree of requested customization. In some circumstances the factory has custom fabricated 40 year old parts that no longer produced and in such cases it might take 6 months. (Call one of our competitors and ask them to make a one off part for a reel that has not been made in several decades.)

Q.Why do the older Everols make more noise when the handle is turned than the newer models?

Ans4. Older reels used a double clutch dog design to stop the reel from turning in the wrong direction. This was a very reliable system, but the clicking of the clutch dogs was audible. The new design uses one-way roller bearings.

Q.Why does the handle feel loose when I turn the handle?

Ans4. If you take an Everol apart you will notice the parts are bigger and beefier. The teeth on our gears are significantly larger than our competitors to withstand greater load forces. So bigger teeth and thus tooth spacing make it sometimes appear like there is ‘play’ in the reel.

Q.Some of the screws, nuts and bolts on the reels look like off-the-shelf parts. Can I get my own replacements?

Ans4. Yes, many parts are available worldwide. Everything is European size standard (metric) and ensure you order a saltwater grade stainless. These parts are often available at industrial fastener suppliers.

Q.What is the blue or red material on some of the handle screws?

Ans4. This is a Loctite type product and is used to keep the screw secured. If you disassemble your reel and want to use Loctite on the external screws that is acceptable, just use a light or medium strength product and no high strength or permanent additives.

Q.Can I remove the ABS plastic handle from the crank arm?

Ans4.The factory assembled handle was not intended to be removed. So a replacement of the whole handle is recommended.

Q.What reel covers do you recommend?

Ans4. Everol does not make or recommend a reel covers. Search for reel covers from Bass Pro or EBay. Some of our customers have been known to use Penn or Shimano covers so tournament competitors would not find out about their ‘reel’ advantage in using the Everol Drag Scale.

Q.What type of reel grease does Everol recommend?

Ans4.We recommend Cal’s Grease ( Penn lubricant is a second choice.

Q.Do you use the forward or backward edge of the lever to read the drag scale?

Ans4. Use the leading edge of the drag lever because this allows for easier reading of the scale by the fisherman or assisting deck hand. The Everol Drag Scale is amazingly accurate, but remember 1) the scale is accurate 7-8%+/-, 2) there will be a slight variation between reels, 3) the user must still estimate the amount of line on the spool and 4) a reel that has caught hundreds of fish will be slightly worn versus a new reel.

For those seeking every possible bit of precision, after the reel is spooled with line, pull line with a scale at various drag settings to reference where that particular reel reads relative to the scale. Remember results may vary with user technique, line, and accuracy of the pulling scale. Don’t over-think it. The Everol advantage comes from knowing how much pressure the reel is applying, not getting readings to the last ounce.

We recommend spending more time on developing a communication system between the angler and crew. For example, deckhands might periodically call out Drag and Line remaining so the angler doesn’t need to constantly look at the drag scale. “15 pounds, 3/4 spool remaining.”

Q.How often should I take my reels in for service?

Ans4.Regular Maintenance Periodically the reels should be disassembled, checked for wear & corrosion, lubricated and re-assembled. The factory does not define a maintenance interval as this is directly related frequency of use and saltwater exposure. Most recreational fisherman can perform this maintenance every 1-3 years. Commercial and Charter fisherman may want to do this every 6-12 months based on usage.

Owners with moderate mechanical ability should be able to disassemble and re-assemble an Everol reel. Otherwise, owner can take them to a local tackle store that does reel maintenance or they can be sent to the Everol repair depot for maintenance (annual maintenance typically costs $70-110 per reel plus any required parts and return shipping.)

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